It's like that one question at an interview or on a date, "So tell me about yourself?". To be honest this is such a hard question for me, my A.D.D brain is all over the place because I love to wear so many hats! I like to do pretty much everything and kind of can't limit myself to one thing.

Born in California, raised in Chicago, lived in Florida for a bit and now in my late 20's living in Los Angeles. I'm still navigating through life and this crazy world. No matter what age you are, you never really have EVERYTHING figured out, and you're always looking for the next "thing" whatever that may be.

I'm a Chef/Baker, a Beauty Enthusiast, a Creator, an Artist and a new business owner, and now a mother of a beautiful daughter.

Sugar and Spice Wellness is not only the name of my Organic, Homemade Bath & Body Brand I created in 2017, it also serves as a vessel for me to project my passions, like cooking and now my new Millennial Mom lifestyle updates. To share those sugary sweet moments and those sometimes bitter spicy ones as well. Here on the blog side of things this gives me the opportunity to share all of my passions in one place.

Why I decided to blog, and what will I be blogging about you might ask?

I didn't want to write another beauty/fashion blog, I felt like everyone was doing that, plus I'm usually late on trends. Quite frankly, I didn't see any Food or Pregnancy/Mom bloggers like me, A Young, Connected, African-American Millennial. There are so many great blogs out there but none for US! 

Life is already tough as it is and even more so now that we were in a Global Pandemic and the stresses of life, I want you to know that although these are some major lemons we are dealing with currently, it is going to be okay and we've got some serious Lemonade to make... (spiked of course.) I want to blog about my journey (which in fact is still ongoing) in hopes it will help other women in small business to first time moms, and everyone in between.

The top questions I get from family and friends are "How did you make that?, What should I use on my skin for this?, How long do I put this in the oven for?"  So I figured why not share the good stuff (recipes and expertise) with you, my extended family!

Being the girl who knew she had the potential, knew that there was more for her in life than just moping around waiting for some big break (newsflash, it didn't come) I had to just get up , want a change and make the necessary steps/changes to do whatever "it" was I wanted to do. Although easy as that sounds, it wasn't at all simple, I had to learn and still to this day learn about breaking my habits. We always know what we're SUPPOSED to do, but our old habits stop us from becoming the person we're meant to be.

Anyways, this blog is for THAT girl, just to simply motivate you, even when you doubt yourself and connect with one another, share those sugary sweet moments and even the spicy ones.

Welcome to Life by Alexus 


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