Fall in Love with a Morning Routine that fits YOUR needs! | 30 Morning Routine Ideas

Fall in Love with a Morning Routine that fits YOUR needs! | 30 Morning Routine Ideas

Repeat after me: "There's no such thing as a perfect routine"

I'm going to be honest, morning routines have always been a struggle for me, adding a baby and now a puppy to the mix things can get very unpredictable. 

I don’t know about you but, I love my sleep… and waking up with the “5 am club", wasn’t something I was interested in… AT ALL. Plus, who says just because you wake up at 5am you’re on track for a successful day??

I struggled and still do to this day with consistency. When I set a goal I’m super excited, I’d be fired up then about a week or so later I’m already back into my old habits. Breaking old habits and getting into a consistent routine is key for a successful day. 

Not everyone wants to wake up early or jump-start the day with a sweaty workout and a green juice, (if you do I’ve got a recipe for that) some morning routines are made out to be active, motivating and powerful, & while there’s nothing wrong with that, the truth is, they can also be slow, mindful and calm as well. It’s all about what matters most important to you. 

DISCLAIMER : There is no such thing as a perfect routine or one size fits all. What’s for you is for you.. period. 

On that same note, don’t be Influenced by what other influencers today tell you to do, because 9 times out of 10 they aren't following this same routine.. and not ever routine is built for your specific needs... if you know waking up at 5 am isn't you and hitting the ground running, that's perfectly okay, it doesn't mean your any less motivated to whatever goals you've set for yourself. 

Remember, don't be influenced into a category that makes you feel insecure about your growth and in a state of constant comparison. 


30 Reviving Morning Routines that will fit any mood you're in. From a sweaty workout, cold showering energetic morning to a low and slow lie in bed and read a chapter morning. There's no judgment here. Do you babe!


Needing some gratitude? Here are 10 Mindful Morning Routine ideas you'll be grateful for...


if your feeling like Rocky, here are 10 Energetic Morning Routine Ideas that will kick your days butt!


if you want to take it easy, here are 10 Slow and Steady Morning Routines


Final notes

Just like with all of my tips, I suggest testing out these morning routine ideas first before fully committing to them.

The trick is to find out what works for you.

Try putting together a morning routine tracker to help you track which morning routine ideas you enjoyed and which ones you would do again.

Rate each ritual out of 5 stars. Ask yourself, “how did this activity make me feel?.”

Or make things easier for yourself with Get Unstuck and On Track Planner which includes a morning routine builder so you can build a routine that works for you.



until next week,


Alexus 🖤

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